I've never been one to sit on my laurels. Every single day, and especially since the COVID-19 pandemic, I've taken the time to analyze, change, and pivot my business model to fit with current times.
The unfortunate reality is that a lot of small businesses like my own are often subject to being cut, first. Although the tide is changing, many still consider diversity, equity, and inclusion consultancy as a nice-to-have instead of a business imperative.
To help push this message forward, L. M. Lewis Consulting is seeking to change with the times and become increasingly digital in scope. My hope was to create an online platform that would serve the needs of those in their remote realities, while simultaneously bringing substantial change to businesses, big and small.
In short, creating a totally online and autonomous component is key to success for any business, and very much moreso now that we see the impact of a major worldwide event that has shifted many of us into our homes, and forced us to rethink what work and life actually mean (even combining the two in ways that are both traditional and creative).
Doing so would require us to make some major changes to expenses, so I'm glad that Facebook decided to do a specific small business grant for Black-owned businesses. I'm happy to say that L. M. Lewis Consulting was awarded a $2,500 grant and plans to use it to create the first of, hopefully, many online course modules as well as other vital toolkits and digital offerings!
Stay tuned for more from us. This is the first of many steps towards equity in the workplace. We're extremely happy that Facebook believes in this journey.